13 February 2008

Mama's Day Off

I’m slightly ashamed of this, but right now I’m sort of enjoying the cold that is tearing up my body. This is the first time since way before the baby was born that I have been sick and not had to worry about anything else. Granted, that will change soon, but today, the hours between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. are all mine.
Okay, so yes, I feel like crap. My head’s so stuffy I feel like I can barely breathe, and walking from bed to the bathroom is exhausting. I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast, and I choked down 32 oz of orange juice for the second day in a row. But the day’s been MINE. Mine in a way that I haven’t experienced in as long as I can remember. No worries about when someone has to eat or get a diaper. No concerns about anyone needing to be entertained. I have spent the day in bed with a 32 oz bottle of water, a book, the laptop, and a DVD.
I’m appreciating my alone time while it lasts. Soon, I’ll have to go out in the rain, in the cold, to pick up a baby from daycare. The next 2 1/2-3 hours will be devoted to him and his needs. At some point after that, I will have to remember that I am a teacher and do some work for school tomorrow. But until then, I am enjoying every moment of my day.

1 comment:

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

When life gives you lemons...

Hope you feel better soon.