24 June 2007


My blog might be taking a temporary break. I was just now able to post for the first time in several days. Since Husband and I have decided to be country bumpkins for the summer, we are living in a house where we have to dial into the internet via AOL. AOL makes me angry, especially dial-up AOL. I really love being kicked off with no warning or waiting 15 minutes for my email to load. On the upside, I am honing my spider solitaire skills.
We have also worked out an elaborate system of diving the day into units of free time/child care time, and it changes each day, so some days I don't get much time to myself. We're doing a lot of summer reading, so my free time is usually spent reading, rather than swearing at AOL.
So I'll write when I can, but it might be August before I'm back regularly.

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