25 September 2007

8 Random Things...

Jen tagged me with this. Reading hers was a fun learning experience for me, so I figured why not...I'm also home sick, and unlike most days when I stay home sick, I have decided I'm not going to spend the day doing work. So, here goes...

1. I met Husband on a train.

2. I throw up when I get really nervous. I threw up twice on my wedding day-once before the ceremony and once after. I threw up in a trashcan on 34th Street in NYC while I was on my way to meet Husband at the train station the first time he came to visit me. Once I threw up in a trashcan in Penn Station. Some woman was standing right next to it, and I said, "Excuse me, but I really need to throw up." I expected her to move, but she didn't, and I threw up anyway. She looked disgusted and walked away.

3. I bought Baby's first Halloween costume yesterday. We don't know what we're doing for Halloween, and he won't have any concept of what's going on, but we feel that we should dress him up anyway. This is probably the only year that he won't be able to weigh in on what he gets to be for Halloween. Husband had the brilliant idea of dressing him up as Charlie Brown, because he's fat and doesn't have a whole lot of hair, but I think it might be too cold and Target doesn't seem to have yellow t-shirts right now. Or even yellow polos. At least not in the 6-9 month size. So I purchased a costume, we tried it on him yesterday, and he's fucking adorable in it. Yea!

4. I have slept in the Brussels and Salzburg train stations and London's Heathrow airport. I think it was Heathrow, anyway.

5. I used to want to be an archaeologist. I still kind of want to be an archaeologist.

6. When Husband and I got married, our individual book collections nearly doubled. We gave away several bags of books before we moved this summer, but I recently unearthed several crates of books that I'd been missing for several years. We don't have the space for all of these books, but I can't seem to let them go.

7. I've recently gotten really into cooking, so much so that I am considering pursuing a culinary arts certificate in the near future. I'm relatively adept at cooking and baking. I pretty much just follow recipes in Cooking Light, and for the most part, they've been well-received. I've not so much gotten into the whole cleaning up after cooking thing though.

8. In the last year or so, I've gotten into running. I was trying to get in shape for a race when I found out I was pregnant, so I quit running for about a year. I did a 5K in July, and I am planning on doing an 8K in November (walking/running), but between Baby being sick and me being sick, the training for that's been put on hold for about a week, unfortunately.

So that's it. This was enjoyable because it allowed me to indulge my self-centeredness. I don't really know other blog-people to tag. Sigh.

1 comment:

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

Yay! I learned new things today.

What kind of Halloween costume did you get that fabulous boy?