11 August 2007


So I turned 27 yesterday, as someone who is not me posted on here. We all know it was Husband, although he denies it.
I had a good 27th. It was much better than last year, which was spent either vomiting or on the couch trying not to vomit. That totally sucked. Yesterday was pretty low key. We are at my parents' house again, so we all went out to dinner last night. It was a little stressful, and I found I couldn't relax much because Baby acted like he was about to lose it the entire time. I don't think I've relaxed from it yet. It was like he was at Arby's or something.
I got some awesome presents. Husband gave me three graphic novels. I'm not really into graphic novels, but I am interested in these three. He got me Maus II, since I've read Maus, but not the second one, V for Vendetta, since we just watched it and both thought it was fucking awesome, and Y, which I heard about on NPR a couple years ago, and mentioned twice or something that I was interested. Clearly, he knows how to pay attention. My parents got me a gift card to a fabric store so my mother can make couch pillows for us. That's great cause we don't have the money to purchase couch pillows right now, and I can't be bothered to learn how to sew. My parents and Husband also went in together and got me a gift certificate for cooking classes taught by local chefs. I am so excited about that because I love cooking but have only recently gained a bit of confidence in that area.
So yeah, all in all a good day. I also just want to say a big thank you to everyone who left me messages, comments, e-cards, etc. That made my day so much nicer!

1 comment:

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

Yay! Sounds like it was great!