11 August 2007

Stupid Babies Need the Most Love, Part 3

So Baby can roll over both ways now, and he can scoot himself around in a circle. We're really proud of these new developments, and he's trying so hard to crawl. Baby can do all of the movements individually, but he just can't put it all together. Husband and I continue to encourage him mostly by getting down on the floor and playing with him or putting toys just out of arms reach to encourage him to move toward the toys he wants.
Baby tries so hard. He stretches his arms out and grunts, lifts his knees and pushes off with his feet. And he moves! Backwards. He looks around, confused, and repeats the process, over and over until he's finally several feet away from the toy he wants, is about to crash himself into something dangerous like a fireplace, and is crying that agitated Baby cry that so quickly escalates into full-blown banshee screaming.
My dad says Baby's only going in reverse because he doesn't know he's going in reverse. I don't know if that's the case or not, but it's pretty entertaining to watch.

1 comment:

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

A lot of babies do this and it's normal. He'll figure it out soon enough.

In the meantime, I suggest some beginning childproofing and safety measures, starting with lowering his crib mattress to the lowest setting. He'll figure out how to pull up very quickly.