05 August 2007

Rollover Baby

Baby has been rolling over from front to back for quite awhile. It first happened sometime between one and two months old, and I actually missed the first time. I felt like a crappy mom because not only did I place my baby on his stomach, which he hated at the time, I also left the room to get a yogurt from the fridge. When I came back, he was on his back and yelling. Oops. As he's developed, he's hated being on his belly less and less, until earlier in the summer when he actually started to enjoy being on his stomach. He's trying to crawl and will try to scoot himself to a toy as he gets angrier and angrier until he finally collapses into a pissed little mound on the rug, and I have to pick him up.
For the last couple of weeks, Husband and I have noticed Baby trying really hard to roll over from his back to his front. Like any normal parents, we've put increasing pressure on him. We initially encouraged him by saying things like, "Okay, Baby, you can do it! You're so close," and soothing him. We later encouraged him by saying things like, "Okay, Baby, you're not going to get into college if you can't roll from your back to stomach." He's been really close for about a week and a half. We've been on roll over watch at this house. Every night when my mother came home, I'd tell her that he hadn't done it yet. We had family over yesterday, and Baby still couldn't manage to do it. About an hour after our visitors left, Husband went up to check his email, and Baby finally did it. I was excited and immediately yelled up the stairs. Baby did not roll over again, despite my attempts to get him to do it for Husband.
I thought Baby's latest trick was a fluke until this afternoon. He was a rolling over machine. Since we're still trying to get the house unpacked, Baby spends a lot of time playing on the rug while we talk to him and put things away. Baby rolled over from front to back then back to front over and over and over all afternoon. It's kind of dumb, but I just watched and watched and wasn't bored at all.

1 comment:

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

And how long until he figures out that he can roll to get to where he wants to be, such as another room?