18 August 2007


Husband's starting graduate school next week, and he decided he needed to upgrade his wardrobe a bit. Going shopping isn't always fun for either of us, and now we have a baby who isn't always patient while in his stroller.
We went to a local outdoor mall, and Husband decided to try jcrew first. I noticed that they were having a sale on polos right away. Husband was clear that he didn't want polos, but I mentioned them anyway. Husband only wanted short sleeved button up shirts. I supported his preference by telling him he should try on polos. He then suggested that I take Baby and wander around outside and leave him alone.
I obliged and went to make an appointment for a haircut. I know I don't need to lose anymore hair, but I haven't had it cut since before Baby was born. It's time. While I was in the quiet salon waiting my turn, Baby decided he was going to hold a protest against his stroller. I hurriedly unhooked him from his shackles and continued to wait. After spending about 10 minutes waiting, Baby and I were able to book me an appointment and leave the salon.
Husband and I met back up, and I learned that he hadn't purchased anything. I was already kind of bored; after all, the shopping clearly was not for me in any way. Husband had been helping me a lot in my classroom, however, so I was happy to be supportive of his need for new clothes.
We hit clothing gold at Eddie Bauer. I spent about 30 minutes in the store trying to bribe a squirmy, fussy baby to shut up and settle down (please, Baby, if you stop making noise, I promise not to get mad in a year or two when you decide to cut your own hair). I was bored and antsy, and Husband found several shirts he wanted to try on. I walked around philosophizing to myself and Baby about what it now means that I like some of the clothes at Eddie Bauer. My mother used to drag me into that store when I was younger, and I still twitch when I pass by. My twitching ceased when I found a pair of cute green pants and a lavender top. I mentioned the outfit to Husband, and he grunted. Then he disappeared for a very long time. I deduced that he was trying on a mountain of shirts and tried to keep myself entertained and patient. Husband emerged from the dressing room triumphant and went back to the racks to select more shirts. He tried to escape the store then. He really did. But the sales-college dropout had commission in his eyes, and I think he had a killer instinct when it comes to picking out people who really want clothes but whose husbands need a laptop for school and whose babies need shots and formula and clothing and toys, and the sales-college dropout asked me if I had seen anything I liked.
"Oh, we're not shopping for me today," I replied, glaring at Husband. He rolled his eyes.
"Really? You're not getting anything?" he asked incrediously.
"Nope," I said. "Even though I'm going back to work this week and haven't had any clothes in such a long time and feel frumpy and ugly." I was no longer talking to the sales-college dropout. "You're not letting her get anything?" he asked Husband. "Let her try something on," he urged. "I'll hold the baby."
"Fine," Husband said. "You can get one thing. And it has to be from the sale rack."
"Six things? Great." I threw Baby to Husband and sprinted to the sale rack. Everything on the sale rack was frumpy. "If I wanted to look like frumpy troll teacher, I could get this t-shirt," I explained to Husband and held up a striped t. "But I don't want to look like frumpy troll teacher. I want to look like hip young mama teacher."
Husband actually agreed with me and gave me his blessing to head to the front of the store. I tried on the cute green pants and a slutty black top and came out of the dressing room.
"Well, I can't wear the top to work," I told Husband.
"No, but you could wear it out to dinner," he replied. Then we broke into hysterics. Out to dinner. Haha.
We decided I'd get the cute green pants, and I was no longer bored with the shopping trip. It was a successful trip for 2/3 of the shopping trio. I had a new pair of pants, and Husband, as he continues to remind me, bought seven shirts for $90. So now I just need to work on getting more pants, some tops, and a skirt or two. School starts in less than a week...


Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

I can't wait to see the green pants.

So, did my brother get any polos or just his favorite short sleeve button front shirts?

And, did you get your hair cut?

Grace Ellen said...

There were some polos involved, and the haircut is scheduled for tomorrow at 4:15. I can't wait, although I am a little embarassed cause of my baldness.

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

Have you actually called your doctor about the baldness yet or do I need to smack you upside your balding head from 65 miles away?

Polos? Really? I'm stunned.

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

TAG! You're it. Go to my blog to find out more.