21 October 2007

Big Bird and Boobs

Someone linked to this video-it was on here, if anyone cares. I know it's supposed to be a beautiful thing and all, but honestly, I'm a little creeped out. Husband was too. When I found the YouTube link, he said, very sternly, "Don't watch it again. Just link to it." I don't remember this being on Sesame Street in the 80s when I was watching. Here's the thing. I do this several times a day. I've explained to my nieces that Baby has to eat from my boobs. Pretty much all of my friends and family have now seen my cha chas (sorry, everyone!). I've done it in the car and in restaurants and on four different airplanes. But conversing about it with Big Bird? That's beyond what I am humanly capable of.


Unknown said...

Buffy is a freak. No one should breast feed in front of Big Bird.

Caroline said...

Definitely not something that should be discussed on Sesame Street.