31 October 2007

NaBloPoMo, or Yeah, Right

Cause I need more things to take up my time.
Someone on an online forum I frequent posted a link to NaBloPoMo. Basically it's a challenge for people who write on blogs to post at least once a day during the month of November. I signed up. I'm interested to see how far I make it. My guess is that I make it to All Souls Day before quitting.
You can join groups on NaBloPoMo. I joined three. The first is a group of tattooed blog people. I have two tattoos and am working out the details of my future third. The second is a for Christian parents. The third is for people who use their blogs for group therapy. Since I bitch and moan on here, I figured that counts.
So yeah, NaBloPoMo. We'll see if it works.

1 comment:

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

Just try it. You don't have to write Pulitizer Prize winning stuff. Just whatever's in your head or something you did that day or JUST A PHOTO OF THE BOY.