24 November 2007

Coming this holiday season: Teeth

Baby's been working on a tooth for a week now. This is exciting for me because now he occasionally accidentally bites. I didn't expect a bite from a baby to hurt, but it sort of did. I thought he'd be crankier, but he's really been very cheerful. He's usually very cheerful. He's done this whole week without Tylenol or Baby Orajel. I have the awesomest baby ever.*

*Now that I've written these words, they will come back to bite me in the ass and he will no longer be cheerful teething Baby, but will be angry teething Baby. For the next 17 years.

1 comment:

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

No, he really is a cheerful baby. Truly.

I looked at his mouth yesterday and think that his tooth has broken through, so that should be the last of any trouble from that particular Biting Weapon.