04 November 2007

I've failed...

I didn't get to post yesterday. I will not post again today. I don't actually know when I will get to post again, but it's unlikely that it will happen before my kid leaves the hospital.


Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

I don't think it counts as failure if you have a family emergency that prevents you from blogging.

Anonymous said...

hi grace, i hope baby finds a legitimate doctor to help him heal. he is super cute. i love reading your blog. katie

Unknown said...

I agree with Jen, a sick baby trumps all other responsibilities.

Anonymous said...

Came from Jen's to send good wishes your way. He's a doll, by the way. Here's hoping he gets well quick and you find yourself home soon!

Karen Jensen said...

I came over from Jen's page as well to give you a virtual hug and my best wishes for your little guy. I'll light a candle.

Family Adventure said...

Hi I'm visiting from Jen and just wanted to say hang in there! Hospitals are not great fun, but it sounds like your cutie-boy is doing fine, so hopefully you'll be out of there in no time. Best wishes!! Heidi

Mrs. G. said...

What do you mean you didn't post? I'm pretty sure I saw one over at your sister's blog...he's a red head and really really cute. He counts.

Jen said...

Hi it's Jen's friend Jen in England here.

Sorry to hear baby's in the hospital, he's such a cutie and we'll be thinking of him so make sure you (and Jen) let us know when he's ok again.



TSintheC said...

A friend of Jen's here with virtual {{{hugs}}} and XXKissiesXX - for you and hubby and Micah.

Hope all is well soon!

Erin said...

Stopped by via Jen on the Edge. Your baby is adorable - I hope he's feeling better. Hang in there!