01 May 2007

Queen of the Harpies

Last week Husband uttered a sentence I never expected to hear. He said, "Can we please watch Ellen? Dear God, please let's watch Ellen." Husband has not become a sudden devotee of America's favorite lesbian. He begged to watch Ellen because the alternative was The View. They both come on at 11 a.m. here. Each day, I say to Baby, "Okay, Baby, it's time to watch the harpies!" and we switch from channel 4 to channel 3 and become irate over how Rosie O'Donnell treats others. I really liked her when I was younger, but now she just seems mean. She yells all the time. She seems to disagree with everyone who's not her, but not in a respectful manner. When Husband told me she was leaving The View, I yelped, I was so excited. Here's The Onion's take on it. http://www.theonion.com/content/amvo/rosie_leaving_the_view
I'm pretty excited about this turn of events. Maybe now Elisabeth will be able to blindly follow the president without being yelled at.

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