31 May 2007

Tempting Fate

I like rules. I think they're important. I think that might be part of what is so attractive to me about Catholicism. I enjoy following rules. They make me feel secure, and they have a predictability to them. I have rules in my classroom, rules for walking in the hallway, rule for lunch, and rules for recess. If a rule is broken in my classroom, the consequence is clear and expected. Even though life doesn't work quite like that, there are still elements of predictable consequences. If I speed on 64, it's only a matter of time until I get a speeding ticket (or three). I do not, however, follow every single rule. I don't follow the rule that says I should go to church each week. I speed. I'm not always kind and respectful. I tend to follow the rules that I feel like following and ignore the rest.
Well, today I got a parking ticket. I got a ticket because I take a liberal interpretation of what an hour means. When I go for my walks I park in front of a sign that informs me I am to park there for no longer than one hour at a time between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. I'm not yet at the point where I am able to walk 3-4 miles in less than an hour, but I figure, it's not a super busy street, and until today, I've gotten away with it. Today I couldn't take my normal walk. I had plans to have lunch with a friend, and I was worried about the heat of the day, so I just parked in my normal spot, walked to the restaurant which was over 1/2 a mile away, ate lunch, and walked back to my car. I knew I'd be well over an hour, but I figured I was safe. So now I owe the city $15, which will double if I don't pay within 96 hours. Lesson learned. I will now have to deviate from my route and find a different place to park. One without signs.

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