02 May 2007

Stupid babies need the most love

I'm not saying my baby is stupid. I know he's just a baby, not even six weeks old, and based on some of the crap he pulls, I'm secretly (okay, not so secretly anymore) worried he's actually an evil genius. But last night made me rethink my evil genius theory.
My aunt bought Baby a crib. Husband spent several days putting it together, and I went out and bought cute sheets. Last night I finally got around to putting the sheets on Baby's bed and decided we should let him spend some time in his crib just to get used to it. Baby explored his crib and made lots of little happy baby noises. Since Baby seemed happy, we didn't really pay a whole lot of attention to Baby after the initial ooohs and aaahs. I figured Baby would let us know when he wanted out of his crib. Out of nowhere we hear a shriek similar to a cat in heat. Husband looked at Baby to see what could possibly be making him that miserable and said "Is he pulling his own hair?" I investigated, and yes, he was pulling his own hair. He had a small chunk of his hair in a strongman grip and kept screaming and screaming and screaming. He continued to scream as I tried to pry his fingers off of his hair. This took awhile because each time I pried a finger off of his hair, he immediately put it back. When I finally detangled Baby and brought him to Husband to get calmed down, Husband's comment was simply: Wow. Babies are really stupid.

1 comment:

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

Sister-in-law of mine, I promise that your boy (my most fabulous nephew) is not stupid. That designation more appropriately applies to his older cousin, who (as you know) convinced her older sister and another child to color all over her face with Sharpies. Apparently, my screaming hissy fit didn't make an impression, because last night she mentioned she was thinking about putting hot pink Sharpie all over her face in honor of being a pig in today's 1st grade play. I stopped her in time, with the threat of not allowing her to participate in the play today if she decorated herself. Your boy, however, is just exploring and learning -- so now he knows he has hands and that they can grab stuff. Eventually, he'll figure out that grabbing hair is painful and eventually he'll figure out not to do it.